Teas of the world, but mostly of China

A blog about my adventures in tea.
Tea Reviews, Tea room reviews, recommended tea sellers.

Monday 1 September 2014

Review: Black by Satemwa, Malawi

This tea is a heavier hitter than many of those on the market in Malawi which tend to be lighter and more darjeeling-esque. Satemwa gains a dark colour within moments of brewing. A very tannic tea that will delight those who like their tea with a punch, or with a good dollop of milk.

Mystery Black, Satemwa, Malawi [Black, Tannic] **, $               - Satemwa, MW

Other Names: None

I could have sworn a caught a slight floral taste in this tea but I'm not sure, it may have been caused by using the same cup to drink from as my Guan Yin....

The second brew i let steep for a very short time (20 secs maybe) but it brought out a LOT more tannins. Holy crap, this tea is heavy. This time I thought I got a little honey flavour but i might be going mad.

Similar teas: Most heavy Indian or Kenyan teas are in this vein, UK and Irish bag teas will therefore also be a good match  

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